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Our Order Form

Order Form Download - PDF Format or MS Word Format or RTF


Misty Hollow Carving

925 Western Ave

Peterborough, Ontario

K9J 5W1



Initial REQUEST for INFORMATION and ORDER FORM for a Misty Hollow Carving.


Please complete the following order and then return as an attachment to Misty Hollow Carving, c/o Murray Lincoln at or click here to

 Send Email


Name_________________________ Address ______________________________


City__________________________ Postal Code ______________


Telephone Number ______________________





Date needed


















Further description…

In the event that you are ordering a Hand Carved Caricature of a real person, please complete the following.  If possible also scan and attach a photo of the person as well.

Male ____ Female ____

Height_________________ Hair line______________ Colour ________________


Shape, i.e. Skinny, Fat, Overweight, Posture ___________________________________________________________________________________




Occupation _____________________________ Interests _________________________

Any other distinctive features, occupation, special interests etc ________________________________________________________________________


Special Note:  After the initial information and Request Form/ Order Form is received, you will be contacted to confirm.